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Wind tunnel – a fruition of the relentless wish to fly that’s been growing within us since our

We’ve devised plans about planes, hang gliders and balloons, but none of them has given us the
freedom we so much desire. Our wind tunnel gives us the feeling of independence and lets us
discover new, completely incomparable layers of emotions.

However, while noticing an increasing interest in our attraction – we’ve realized that similar desires
lie not only within incurable dreamers. Therefore, we’ve been making our Mobile Wind Tunnel
available for all sorts of events for some times now, because it’s a perfect way to promote a brand as
well as the whole event. ‘Cause wherever we appear, the reaction is always the same – “WOW”!

At the same time, we also care about Individual Clients, who always receive a warm welcome upon
their visits at our main office.


See out Wind Tunnel in action!

Our main office is in Gassy near Warsaw. Find out more here: aerotunel.pl/kontakt



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There are two huge Monsters at our garage, which will add hype to every Event. More unusual
vehicles from our collection will also perform well. These include Mini Monster Trucks, which can be
driven by any child above 6 years of age!

Buggy gives great and very efficient performance at integration events, cause it’s no stranger to mud
and rain.

The so-called amphibian is a rare sight, its construction allows it to move on literally any surface.

You can view those and many more other attractions that can be rented in the full offer of the
Mistrzowie Imprez Company.